E-mu 1212M & Cakewalk Homestudio XL


New member
Hey, I just got the 1212M and am trying to integrate it with my Cakewalk. I am having some popping noise issues. I have matched the sampling rates and the popping and distortion is still happening. What am I missing?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
........buffer size i think. and also check the volume levels on the E-mu? i know maudio has its own control panel...check the e-mu control panel. process of elimination...gotta love it :)
Now I only have very slow sound from 4 bit, left. Any other setting I get nothing coming through the speakers. I've gone through all of the troubleshooting tactics.
gh. would help if you post your pc confign in full and whats in your pci slots.
if you have network card for the internet in a pci slot, try disabling before doing a recording session. are you sure you have your patchmix settings correct ?
Quote: "gh. would help if you post your pc confign in full and whats in your pci slots.
if you have network card for the internet in a pci slot, try disabling before doing a recording session. are you sure you have your patchmix settings correct ?"

They are all full. One USB, a modem, a NIC, AGP video card, 2 for the EMU

Will try disabling the NIC.
gh. the problem - assuming patchmix for the emu is set up right is MAYBE
other pci units are freezing the emu out of the pci bus.
what i do is have two pc's. one for daw work. NOTHING in the pci slots other than the sound card. and one for internet etc.
tell me how you get on please with the nic.peace.
It didn't do anything when I disable the NIC unit. The sound card works but not when I am trying to use Cakewalk. My current computer just can't handle making music. I checked out my processes and CPU usage and found out that I am using it all, so I have ordered a new PC just for recording. Everything costs a fortune and I hope it will be worth it.