E-MU 0404 USB into a faster PC. higher latency?


New member
Hi all,

Just fired up my E-MU 0404 USB on a new faster PC.

Just going through the initial setup. There's a screen in Cubase that gives you latency figures when you set the ASIO driver.

On the old machine these figures were

input latency 7.868
output latency 10.884

.. and on the faster machine they're

input latency 11.859
output latency 14.875

I'm assuming that both of these figures are still in the ball park of that they should be and that the amount of difference won't have any negative effects for me.

but still, you reckon this would be lower latency with a faster machine?

Have you optimized to PC for recording? What is the difference between the old an the new?

I have an old crappy P4 2.6gHz with 3Gb of ram and my latency is 2.1ms in and 1.9ms out.
Have you optimized to PC for recording? What is the difference between the old an the new?

I have an old crappy P4 2.6gHz with 3Gb of ram and my latency is 2.1ms in and 1.9ms out.

Optimized? I'm about to get flamed aren't I...

new PC is i5 3570. In rough figures, would be something like 8 times the the CPU number crunching power of the old, not to mention gains in I/O speed.

How do you optimize?
Nah I don't flame people and I'm no wizard with this stuff, I'm sure others will be along shortly with more questions and advice.

Is it a dedicated PC for recording? No internet, Antivirus, etc?

Optimizing includes turning off things you don't need in a recording DAW. For example, all programs not being used, network devices, screen saver, desktop background and loads of other tweaks that can improve your DAW. There's a wealth of info on this site.

Have you tried lowering the buffer size in your soundcard settings? or raising them? If they are at 1024, try halving them to 512, and then 256, 128, 64. Also your bitrate you''re set to record at. I work at 48k - 24bit, yours may be different.

Do you have the latest drivers for your soundcard?

Although input latency 11.859 - output latency 14.875 shouldn't really be a problem, you can probably get it lower than it was on your old machine with the right tweaks
1: It's not really a problem. I doubt you'll hear a difference that small.
2: Have you adjusted the ASIO settings to increase/reduce latency? Look for h/w buffer size.
i5? Got to be Win 7 (64 bit?) surely?

The "old" 0404usb was a very well respected interface (I seek one S/H!) but, AFAIK was not so good with Win7.

However, the Feb 2013 issue of Sound on Sound shows a NEW E-MU 0404 usb on page 19 (Creative ad) and so maybe (I thought!) good W7/64 drivers are now available? Not according to my quick site visit! The 0404usb is still listed as "archived" product!

Drivers are the absolute "glue" that is the key to solid, low latency.

Dave. (And Google for DPclat latency checker)
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