Dynamic range - extinct

The art of mixing/mastering (seemingly) has been lost lol. Just master it to the loudest level possible. Then hope the listener isn't an audiophile with their room set to a flat response at 0db cuz you'll probably blow up their speakers LOL!

There are quieter parts in the songs we record, but you don't have to crank it up to hear them or experience them. It's in creating a balance and an exvirment. It also takes some know-how, imagination, and intelligence.

I'm DAW, but I spent years on tape. I miss tape actually lol. I miss walking into a studio feeling confident that their analogue VU meters were properly calibrated so the clip LED was set to illuminate 3db before clip.

Damn the torpedoes and full steam ahead. We're recording a progressive metal project (Euro metal for those aren't familiar with the genre) and dynamics are a key part of the songs. Clear Channel and their radio compression standard can bit my ass lol.
I'm also too young to have experienced wiping my ass with a corn cob, yet I'm still confident in my preference of Charmin Triple Aloe toilet paper...if feels like wiping with a stick of butter.

He probably remembers LP's, but he doesn't remember when DJ's actually could do their job without having a suscribed playlist in front of them as well as a huge book of corporate standards.

Dynamics....here's a good example. John Lennon's Imagine. THough I am not a fanatic of the song, it has some wonderful dynamics when he goes soft on the piano. By today's mastering standards that softness would not be there. It would not be any different than any other part.

....and the emotion he put into would be lost.
bsanfordnyc said:
I'm also too young to have experienced wiping my ass with a corn cob, yet I'm still confident in my preference of Charmin Triple Aloe toilet paper...if feels like wiping with a stick of butter.


Maybe you should use a buttered corn cob then.