Dynamic Mic Question


New member
I know that condenser mics normally have to have a pop screen for vocals. What about Dynamic mics, do they need a pop screen? Thanks.
most dynamics have pop screens built into them. Like the sm58. 8ut the same concept applies. Accept for the fact that the moisture will affect a condenser more than a dynamic.
Sure - I'd submit that a much larger percentage of dynamics have more effective pop-screens built in -- But for typical use, I'd still have a filter in front of it (except for the "big guy" mics, such as the RE20, SM7b, etc. which have very effective screens already).
If using a dynamic mic for vocals a pop screen is almost all ways a good idea, helps a lot with "P" and "S" sounds a lot and helps to remind singers not to "eat" the mic. For micing amps or cloce micing drums there is no need for a pop screen. There is no rule that says you ever have to use a screen but I find it helps a lot with most vocals.