Dunlop Multi Wah


New member
Last year i bought a new Dunlop 535Q multi wah pedal. after a pretty good deal of research and consideration, it seemed like the best choice within my price range. i listened to the sounds samples over and over but ignored many reviews that said it was a faulty pedal that would most likely break. those reviews were correct. the first time i plugged it in, while experimenting with different tones on it, i heard a very loud click when stepping down on it, and after that it stopped working completely. no signal at all. i tried different cables, amps, a few different guitars and even changed the battery. i have never in the past had a problem like this, and learned guitar partially so i wouldnt have to learn to fix things :). in essence: im clueless, and wondering if anyone has had a similar problem or knows whats wrong and how exactly to fix this malfunction my wah is having.
Last year i bought a new Dunlop 535Q multi wah pedal. after a pretty good deal of research and consideration, it seemed like the best choice within my price range. i listened to the sounds samples over and over but ignored many reviews that said it was a faulty pedal that would most likely break. those reviews were correct. the first time i plugged it in, while experimenting with different tones on it, i heard a very loud click when stepping down on it, and after that it stopped working completely. no signal at all. i tried different cables, amps, a few different guitars and even changed the battery. i have never in the past had a problem like this, and learned guitar partially so i wouldnt have to learn to fix things :). in essence: im clueless, and wondering if anyone has had a similar problem or knows whats wrong and how exactly to fix this malfunction my wah is having.
A loud click is normal..unless it came through the amp and not the sound of the DPDT switch. I don't know what review told you it was a garbage pedal, but I have had a few Crybabys and none of them are built in a substandard manner, including the new ones. They are very good pedals.

You probably have a broken solder joint somewhere. Take the bottom off and look around and see if there are any wires to the switch that are cracked at the terminal.

If you don't want it, I will buy it off you.
If you just got it, it should still be under warranty. If not from the manufacturer, then at least from the retailer. You should be able to return it for an exchange with no problems if it's brand new. I wouldn't go poking around in there for fear of voiding your warranty. If it's used, then poke away.