Dull Recordings..


New member
ok.. im recording an instrumental in Cool Pro at 96000,32 bit ...i recorded,panned,mixed all my keyboards,guitars.. everything perfect.......next I mixed it all down to a file converted to 41000 ,16 bit stereo as an MP3 file because I wanted to burn it and be able to share it on my computer..but whenever I play back the mp3 file that I converted, its sounds so much duller and doesent have that "punch" that it had before I converted the recording...so im guessing the settings i convert at are wrong somehow...does anyone have any default settings at which all the mids,lows,highs in the mixdown should be at, as well as volume levels....ANY tips would be helpful! thanks in advance!

- Kyle
Veiling Iris .. www.veilingiris.com
Make sure you dither and noise-shape when you convert to 16-bit.

And when you save it as an MP3, make sure it's at least at 128 kb/second.
Dithering and noise shaping helps preserve the some of the extra dynamic range of the 32 or 24 bit original recording when converting to 16 bit.

And also make sure you keep a copy of the 16 bit wav before you encode it as an MP3. It would be a shame to not have a copy of your work sounding its best.
otay.. I got everything sounding good but I compared to my other mp3 files and noticed mine is around 5 to 7 decibels under there volume.It isnt the volume the song was recorded at because its a healthy looking wave ..it was actually clipping in 2 or 3 spots and had to hard limit it. Theres also a "Boost Input by XX decibels" option... and I was thinking about doing that...but im not sure./...I just need the over all volume to be louder :) lol any help will help hehe ..thanks!! - kyle

www.veilingiris.com ...Veiling Iris (check out me band!)
geet73 said:
What does the dithering and noise-shaping do? I'm just curious.

Dithering helps reduce quantization errors that make recordings sound grainy by applying low level noise to the signal.

Noise shaping helps make the noise introduced by dithering less noticable.
converting your music from wave to mp3 there will/should be a difference cuz your reducing info. When i convert my wave files to 192k mp3 i hear the highs becoming washy and less defined. if you don't want that don't convert