Dual CRTs refresh rate/magnetic fields


New member
I have been running a Sony CPD E400 for a few years now. If I was to buy another identical monitor off ebay and ran it at the same refresh rate and resolution next to ( I mean RIGHT next, almost touching) the first monitor would there be any interference with their magnetic fields? Also, is it ok to run two different sized monitors at different refresh rates next to eachother. I would assume it isn't as I did a little test just to check things out. If i moved my CRT close to my Event 20/20bas it would start to vibrate in the corner closest to the speaker when I run it at 85Hz refresh. If i set it to 60Hz, like what is going into the speakers it stops vibrating, so I was assuming that it will not approve of interference at a different refresh rate from a monitor sitting next to it. I really only need a 17" for a secondary monitor for the effects and stuff, so If different sizes don't conflict I could save some money.
phew... that's a good one....

I'll give you my practical experience... I run two monitors on my personal pc, and two on our studio machine... ok... personal is a 20" viewsonic and a 15" kds running at 90 and 85 I've not encountered any problems or vibration... I use logitech z680s for this one, as it is my gaming rig.

Studio machine... can't remember the brands, as I'm not sitting in front of it... the larger monitor whistles violently at 90hz and is fine at all other settings, and the 17" is just plain old complacent at 85 (I think) right next to each one, and in between both are 3 mackie hr 624s (surround setup...) so...

My thoughts are that you might be having trouble with that particular monitor... pretty sure the events are supposed to be shielded to keep that kind of interference from happening, and many new monitors are.

I'd recommend trying to degauss, and trying other monitors in that situation before you stress too much about other monitors causing interaction problems with each other.


I have a dual setup with 19" Viewsonic G90f monitors. Done several other dual monitors and even one with tripple 15". The only oddity I've seen is if one CRT monitor is on showing windows, and you turn a monitor on right next to it, it kinda freaks out the already on monitor for a second. No biggie...
I have been running a 19 and a 17 inch both at 75 for about a year now. I am starting to see some shadow of horizontal lines that scroll up on both monitors. Degaussing seemed to help some but I don’t remember it being a problem before. I have been suspecting it was because they were too close together.