Dual Channel Preamps


New member
I know this is mostly a preference quesiton and different preamps work better with different sources, but I'm hoping to at least be guided in the right direction. I'm looking for a two channel preamp used almost exclusively on heavy distorted guitar (Mesa half stack and Gibson Les Pauls mostly) and vocals. I'm using an M-Audio Audiophile 192 HD, and have a Blueberry, Audio Technica 4050, Groove Tubes GT-55, Sennheiser e-609silver, Oktava MK-012, 57s, and 58s if that helps any. I don't need any bells and whistles like compressors, EQ, etc, and my budget is roughly $300-500. Thanks for any help.
I haven't used the RNP, but from all the descriptions I've read, this would not be your first choice for hard distorted guitars and edgy vocals. It's probably extremely versatile, but you want something more specific to the sounds you mentioned.

> Peavey VMP-2, long since out of production, if you can find one used in your price range (probably closer to $600). 2 channel, tube, built-in EQ

> Peavey TMP-1, a single channel descedant of the VMP-2. Find one for $100, better yet, find two. Sounds great on a distorted guitar, really brings the sm57 to life. The VMP-2 is superior, but this will sound good on the sources you described.

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