Drummer availablefor your track


New member
I can put acoustic drums on your track. I'm open to any style from funk to Rock/pop to fusion -as long as i listen to it and i like it-
Throw your tracks at me, i'll have a listen and we'll take it from there. I'm looking for exciting and challanging projects to work on.

You can check out some of the work i did as well as my gear on my profile page here: http://www.digitalmusician.net/index.php?id=92&tx_dmnaccount_pi1[uid]=8758

Hit me up


Groove for your ears.

give that a listen bro...lemme know if your interested, and I can getcha a .wav file of it.... I still need to do some work onnit, guit solo and there is a overlay after the solo...and it's a rough mix....this was for our drummer to practice to...I mixed it down real quick direct to mp3 I think something happened in the conversion to slightly 'eff the time up.... but it'll give ya the idea. :)
Berberman said:
Throw your tracks at me, i'll have a listen and we'll take it from there. I'm looking for exciting and challanging projects to work on.

I'd be pleased if you had a moment to listen to my material over at SoundClick. My work is varied, so please don't let the top of the list tracks sway your perception.

Feel free to critique as much as you'd like. I need a real drummer. Thank you for your kind offer.

Please visit Since Now

you charge anything for your service man? Ive been struggling over drum tracks for a while. When i complete some stuff ill send it your way.
pod4477 said:
you charge anything for your service man? Ive been struggling over drum tracks for a while. When i complete some stuff ill send it your way.

Nah, no charge.....for now anyway :cool: