Drum VSTi's: Room Mic, Reverb Plugin, or both?


New member
i do all my drum tracks with SSD4. Should i be using the included room mic sound in conjunction with a 3rd party reverb plugin? Seems like they achieve the same thing so it needs to be one or the other
Does it sound good? Your opinion is what matters...


Howdy Eddy. Interesting first post. What brings you here?
I have Slate Trigger and use it on snare from time to time in my DAW. It's mostly the same samples you have, less the cymbals (unless you have an expansion pack). Anyways, I usually just tailor the room mic track to give me the reverb/sustain I desire from the snare. Why overload it with even MORE reverb? That's what the room mic is for, in essence. Reverb is just supposed to emulate a space. So if you do that, you are reverberating a reverb if that makes sense.

However, if you're not using using room mic at all (or not much of it), and you feel like you have to have the same plate on the snare as you're sending the rest of the kit to, then try it out subtly. A/B it in the mix and see what sounds better. Some people want their snare to be all drowned out in reverb, some want it more upfront with just a little tail afterwards, some like it bone dry.