Drum Track construction


New member
I am using Sonar 1.3.1 which has Virtual Sound Canvas DXI. I can see the need to replace a live snare track with a nice sounding snare sample. I could construct a midi track and put it on channel 10 and use sound fonts from VSC but I want a better sounding snare than is available with VSC. I can see that VSampler (I don't have) could get the job done but it looks like overkill.

I need a plugin drum machine that can be triggered by a midi track within Sonar. I also need to construct entire (real sounding) drum tracks when the drummer is unavailable. I use an external midi keyboard to create the midi tracks.

Anyone know where I am coming from? What would be the best solution?
Have you tried Slicy Drum DXi which is included in the SONAR installation CD? It's worth to try for drums track...

Or if you want to trigger MIDI notes/event by real drums track, then you can try Drumagog plugin :)

I don't see Slicy Drum DXi anywhere on this CD. I have version 1 still. It isn't on the XL version either.

I am checking into Drumagog. Looks interesting.

Highlight your snare track...

Go to Process > Audio > Extract Timing (that could be wrong...just look for an option called extract timing)

Adjust settings to taste...It will create a MIDI track from the snare waveform (a MIDI note wherever the snare hit if you did it right)

Use the DR-008 plugin that comes with SONAR to use the MIDI data you just created to trigger your snare sample in the DR-008 sampler.

That's how I do it, hope it works for you too!
