Drum Tone


New member
OK, first off, I'm not a percussionist (my disclaimer) I bought a drum set for my son, one of those $300 starter sets, I read the drummers tuning bible. I know I won't get a killer sound but, after installing and tuning the heads it sounds pretty good to me, (but what do I know) :)

What about damping devices, for the toms. I read about moongels, and some felt devices, any recomendations?

On another topic: I think the drum sound that system of a down has in the song Toxicity is amazing. At the beginning of the song when he's plaing the fills and runs down the toms. Those tom tones are absolutely amazing to me. (my deepest apologies if this has been covered) What's your take.

Thanks for letting an axe man in the forum. :)

There is nothing wrong with a $300 kit. I played a kids set one time, and dang it, almost bought it. But then I looked at myself behind the mini kit (and being a large man) I looked pretty goofy. I looked like the incredible hulk or something, but it was fun to play. I feel that with good heads and proper tuning, you can make any kit sound decent, if not wonderful. As fr as dampening devices, I have used the new evans mini e-mads. They work pretty good, and you can take the dampening off without having to remove the whole device. You can add just the right amount of dampening, and they look pretty cool.Here is what they look like.