drum solo :)


New member
hey guys...
today my friend came over and i decided to test out some of the new gear on my drumset with him playing. This is my second time with the new stuff trying to record drums. Some things i already know i need to fix:
- Overall level of the mix
- Bass needs more punch.. maybe less boom
- Floor tom needs much less boom
- 2nd and floor tom need to be tuned so they dont buzz
- left (crash/ride) overhead needs to be turned down
- Also a way into the recording the bass drum slipped and the mic got a little messed up but i move it a few seconds later. Im sure you will all hear it.

thats about all generally but i just wanted to get some more feedback.
heres the link (its a wma)

http://www.csbwebservices.com/studio/01 Track 1.wma

keep in mind I have really cheap cymbals so bare with me.

As you said the toms and the bassdrum is quite a bit boomy.

I miss that "click" sound of the bassdrum. I think the lowest frequencies are way to loud. What are you monitoring on? It sounds to me like you couldn't quite hear what was going on down there and therefore boosted the volume on it. I may be wrong.

I don't know but I feel like the stereospread is far to wide.

Snare sounds fine, i think.

For only being the second time, it sounds great I think.
Not bad!
I am curious what your snare is and what mic you used.
There are times I need a snare sound similar to that but my snares all sound quite a bit different than yours. Probably just the size / depth / material thing.
Ya until i get my montitors im mixing on cans and we all know thats not good at all. swede you hit that one right on. I didnt think i could hear enough low end. Ya i was pretty happy with the sound for my second try. Im also happy that I can atleast hear and recognize the problems afterwards haha.

as for tmix-

I used a 57 about 1- 2 " away from the head and have it facing about 3- 4" in from the rim. I also pointed it between my legs. As for eq i took off a little low-end and added just a little bit of mids and highs on the board.

the drum is 14 x 5 1/4 with an aquarian batter head
Pretty cool, but it sounds quite distant to me.
I would suggest to cut some (a lot of) low in tom 2 and floortom, maybe turn them a little softer, cut some low-mid of the kick and add some high, pull his volume way down, COMPRESS THE SNARE!, and put it up, this instrument should be the heart of the mix.

Depend more on your overheads, regarding toms. The way your snare sounds I hear you have done that already pretty much, but the channels of the tom mics can be used preferably to add some punch and attack to the overheadsignal when toms are being played.

Kick: volume down, cut low-mid (you´ll get your ´click´ with that), add some moderate mid-hi. compressing won´t do any harm either.

Snare: snaremic-volume up, maybe you should cut some low to get the same bright sound as in the overheads, COMPRESS.

Toms: Tom 1 fine, maybe pan it a little more to the center. Toms 2 & 3: less mic, more overhead, cut some low. Panning could be more centerly also.

Overheads: may play a bigger role, as said.

Try some nice reverb on everything except the kick.

Good luck!
