drum set placement in a room


New member
Hi-The room is 10 feet by 13 feet, with 10 foot high ceilings. It was designed as a room within a room I believe, and all walls/floor/ceiling are carpeted. The sound is very, very dead inside. I was wondering where would be best to set up the drums to record them?? I have access to about 30 'acoustical panels' from a computer printing room. They are about 3 1/2 foot high 1 1/2 feet wide and about 2 in thick. Should I use them for something? Set up some sort of odd angled wall around the drums? Thank you all so much
that would be a good idea.... iwas told that studio walls should have at least a 5 degree offset (ie; no walls running parallel) something to do with bouncing sound...
If you can draw up a rough blue print of the room I could try and help you! Also indicate the sizes and i'll tell you what will sound the best! I use to have that same problem and i kept hoppin the drums around until i found the best sound.
Great thread. Lookin forward to the responses. I record drums in a room of similar size (8 foot cielings). Mic placement is key and something that you have to play with for a while to get right. Also I had phase issues with cardioid overheads which disapeared when I switched to omni.
I was thinking of facing the drums towards a corner, and attaching the panels to each other so they are about 7 ft high, and surrounding the drums around the back. I'll be trying this by Friday, so I'll report back. Anything else I should try?