Drum Room


New member
Hi all, my band is going to start recording here soon and we were wondering what would be a better space for recording drums. The space we are using now has about 10-12 foot ceilings and is about 10 foot square. Not huge but a decent space. The other space we have access to is a huge garage that was used for a construction company. I'm not sure of the exact measurements but it's an industrial garage probably 20 or more foot ceilings. We want a more hall-ish type sound so would this work?
Hi all, my band is going to start recording here soon and we were wondering what would be a better space for recording drums. The space we are using now has about 10-12 foot ceilings and is about 10 foot square. Not huge but a decent space. The other space we have access to is a huge garage that was used for a construction company. I'm not sure of the exact measurements but it's an industrial garage probably 20 or more foot ceilings. We want a more hall-ish type sound so would this work?
Well the space you're using just now is close to cube, which is terrible acoustically. Just try it out and if you like the sound use it, if not use the other place.
Yes you're exactly right. The room is almost a perfect square. The garage/warehouse is more of a rectangular shape. That's probably bad for acoustics too but the space is huge and probably wouldn't sound so dead and boxy.
Yes you're exactly right. The room is almost a perfect square. The garage/warehouse is more of a rectangular shape. That's probably bad for acoustics too but the space is huge and probably wouldn't sound so dead and boxy.
I'm sure it'd sound awesome, but maybe too echoey. Try both and see which you prefer.
You can tame the boxiness by strategically placing a few portable acoustic panels in the room. Also try experimenting with different room mic positions.