Drum Program Question???


New member
Which one would you guys choose and why.
Drumkit from hell 2
Drumkit from hell superior
or Battery 2
I use cubase sx3 as my sequencer and will be creating the midi beats in the drum editor and then using the sounds from the program to replace the midi hits. I want something that has a good felxability and control over the sound. I would like something can can be used with any type of music but mostly progressive rock and metal.
I can only speak for DFH2...it's a great plug-in for the money. In fact, I'm not sure why it doesn't sell for more. The only thing that I have difficultly with are the toms. They're just not what I'm looking for...but you might. I have to do a lot of tweaking to get them to sound descent.

Having said that, the samples are top-notch which makes me want to pickup the 'superior' version now. Both will accommodate rock and metal very well.
I have DFHS, and like it. I'm thinking of getting EZ Drummer, as it would be quicker for me, since I know nothing about drumming, so have a hard time coming up with patterns that fit. But the sounds from DFHS are good.
I purchased BFD about a month ago and I can really say my stuff has come to life. I can't comment on DKFH, but I can comment on battery. Battery to me was a bit of a disappointment. I'm not a drummer, and I'm rather visual, so just having boxes telling me there is a drum sound in it left me lacking. Luckily, I had downloaded a demo of Battery, so I didn't make the mistake of losing money on it.

I don't know about DKFH, but BFD can get quite gluttoness with your memory. I'd say you need at least a gig of ram to run it successfully, and possibly 2 to run it optiminally.

Soundwise, I don't know if BFD can be beat. Very easy to use too.

BFD is all I know of. Very good really, only problem is getting a snappier snare out of it. Still tweaking.
AWESOME thanks guys. Well i have 2 gig of ram so im good there with any program. So now i will choose either between bfd or drumiit from hell superior. Do they have demos out or anything??