drum position in a mix

anywhither said:
mix it like you are facing a drummer or seat on drum throne?is there a rule?
It's a matter of personal preference. Listen to different cd's with headphones on and see what you like best.
Depends on the size of the drum.

Thanks I'm here all week.

Almost always the bass drum is panned in the middle.
most books i've read say put the snare and the bass in the middle and then pan everything eles the way you see it on stage. but experiment whatever sounds good to you ..its fun to play with panning on drums
i always leave snare and kick centered. i play only two toms and pan them equally left and right based on how i see them from the throne. Overheads are the same thing, i use two OH's and pan to either side. i find that the farther apart i pan the different parts the worse the kit sounds as a whole, but maybe thats just me. just try anything and everything and listen to all the differences. drum mixes are very important to the overall track but youll find something for sure.
I personally prefer to hear drums from audience perspective, but I've definately heard it done either way.
producerkid said:
what if your left handed :D

lol I was going to point that out too ;)

Many times it will depend on what the song calls for, but as a rule of thumb, I do it from my perspective (L--> R / HH --> FT) 'cause that's how I hear 'em and it just seems more natural...

Drummer's perspective is the way forward, and i'll even pan the snare very slightly left sometimes, using a right panned overhead to fill it out.