drum overhead stand suggestions


New member
Until I can find an affordable alternative (& $) I am using standard tripod mic stands for drum overheads, it works but is not as stable as I would like for my precious large condenser mics. Any suggestions to get a bit more stability? I plan to try adding weight to the center mast as well as trying a counter weight just wondering if any one has any suggestions.

Use big ass professional mic booms with heavy cast iron bases on casters. You can get away with only one if you buy a stereo mic bar.

Welcome to HR, btw.
For NO money, you can put a weight of sorts or duct tape on the legs of your tripod until you can afford better stands. Sorry, just stating the obvious. Good luck.
Quiklok has a nice looking stand, the A-85. Under $100, with a long boom w/ counter-weight, and it folds for storage. Probably not quite as stable as the heavier fixed-base modles, but much more stashable/stowable.
I've never got around to doing it, but a few weeks ago I noticed some incredbly good deals on cheap PA speaker stands which I'm sure could be botched into some really good DIY overhead stands. I think I found an adaptor made by K&M which would go into the top of a speaker pole and give you the right sized thread to screw a mic boom (also sold by K&M) on to. Might be worth a look.
For NO money, you can put a weight of sorts or duct tape on the legs of your tripod until you can afford better stands. Sorry, just stating the obvious. Good luck.

Alternatively, you could get some dudes who are about the same height to stand on buckets and hold the microphones for you. This is a value-added proposition since people are like meat bass traps.
I have gone with a set of adjustable 10 lb ankle weights on each stand and they are much more stable now, plan to use one of the 12 oz sand weight packs as a counterbalance if needed.
Thanx again for the suggestions.
Supercreep any suggestions for keeping the meat stands quiet on those long takes?
I use the round 20lb weights that are made for a weight lifters dumbell. I have a bunch of the onstage tripod booms that the tripod base will come completely off the stand. Slide the base off, slip the weight around the middle, slide the base back on and you are good to go. I got mine from various people I knew but I imagine you could pick some up at goodwill or somewhere similar. People are always buying exercise related materials and then letting them collect dust. Most people will be happy to let you have their weights haha.