Drum O/H Question


New member
All right people. I have a chance next week to use some fancy mics from drum overheads for my band's recording. However, the nature of the lending won't allow me to compare mics beforehand so I'm looking for some guidance as to which mic I should choose for overheads. The options are AKG C414B-ULS', Neumann U-87's, or Neumann M-149's.
So, what do you guys think? I've been told the M149 is more of a vocal microphone than anything else.
Opinions please!
OK, thanks, Harvey. I think I'll go with those U87's. I'm sure any of them would sound better than AKG CK1's.
The 149 is a bit dark for my tastes - it would tend to pick up a little more low mids than an 87 (especially if the 87 was set in omni mode), so I'd wind up having to do some eqing, which I like to avoid whenever possible. The 149 is a great vocal mic tho, and it would probably work great on some percussion as well.