drum micing


New member
I was wondering if there is anyway to mic a 5 piece drum set with only 2 mics. I want to get the boss br-8 and it only records 2 tracks at once. Could I put like one a bit above the drum set and the other on the bass drum or would this sound like shit. Help

One mic on the kick and another overhead is o.k. I personally use two overhead to get a stereo product when limited to 2 mics.

Tell me what kind of Mics you have, and I'll give you a reccommendation.

For example, I have an AKG C-1000S and a Cheapie Radio Shack Mic here at home (it has a very close resemblance to the new line of Sennheiser Mics.. I wouldn't be surprised if it shares some components).

The C1000 is a very sensetive Condenser.. I placed it about 3 feet away from the kit behind the kick-drum. It's too sensetive to place inside the kick, but from 3 feet away, it acts like an overhead, an picks up the whole kit, with a decent emphasis on the kick-drum sound.

I also mic'd the Snare with the Cheapie Mic, and then I gated the snare, and applied some effects to it.

You can hear the results on the new track on my web-page called "drawing a line". http://www.mp3.com/ebonyrun