Drum mic packs


New member
What do you guys reckon of Drum Mic packs?

Im wanting to mic our drum kit, and have a SM57 and a StudioProjects B1. Im probably gonna get another B1. So that leaves me with the need for kick and tom mics, and I really dont have the money to spend out on expensive individual mics. I heard that the Nady packs were pretty good, and there are a lot of packs out there for around $150-$200. I know they are obviously cheap, but are they also nasty?
Get a 2nd B1 so you have a pair for overheads, use your 57 on snare, and get a cheap kick mic- I use a Superlux FK8, which does the job surprisingly well. That should get you started. If you want to mic individual toms, get some ES-57s from Orange County Speaker.

I find that a 4 mic setup (no tom micing) works very well in my "studio".
ok so getting a kick mic sounds like a good idea...but are there any kick mics which I can also use for other things, cus I find it hard to justify 200$ on a mic which is ONLY for a bass drum..?
Sennheiser MD421
Beyer M88

are four mics that have lots of uses including making great kick mics.
thx bongoman, they all look like great mics, but they are all a bit out of my budget. Anything 200$ or under?

The ATM25 comes in under $200, or at least it did. I think the ATM250 replaced it, which is still under $200, at least in the US. I haven't heard it, and so can't say anything about it. They also make a lower-cost (and not as good-sounding) model called Pro25ax.

I wouldn't have a problem buying a used ATM25, they are really tough, and very useful good-sounding mics.

Audix D4 is another in the $150-$175 range.
Do the drums sound good?

If not, it doesn't matter what you buy.

If so, save your money and get something you won't want to replace in six months.