drum maching --> multitrack


New member
Hi all,

This is a pretty dumb question, but...

I have a drum machine and it has two output jacks (left and right) and I am plugging it into my multitrack (tracks 1 and 2). How do I pan this? Do I set both tracks center or do I pan them hard left and the hard right?

if your drum machine has a "left and right", you'll probably want to hear them as such....so.....I'd pan your channels 1 and 2 left and right also.
how much?

so would you recommend panning them both all the way to the left and right, or try something like 10 and 2?
yes...pan all the way...to the extremes. I am imagining that your drum machine [might] have the capabilities to position the individual drum sounds anywhere in the left/right spectrum...so you could adjust there....if needed. Most drum machines to a "decent" enough job of keeping the left/right imaging to be suitable, without getting too extreme. (like the kick in the left and the snare only in the right). However, remember to use your ears and if you don't like what you hear, nothing wrong with *tightening up* the panning after the drum machine if things seem tooooo split.....like toms rolling from far left to far right. But the starting place would be to pan to the max....like on most stereo sources, like keyboards, mic'd instruments, etc.

btw, I personally like HUGE kits with drum rolls going from speaker to speaker, but some people find that a little excessive.
I agree with mixmkr about checking to see if your drum machine allows you to position an instrument in the left-right spectrum.

Mine lets me do that so when I build a kit, I pan the individual instruments as I see fit (usually not too extreme). Then when I record, I record the drums as a stereo track. That automatically gives me the same left/right separation I programmed.

If I were to record the drums as two separate mono tracks, then I'd have to pan them hard left and hard right to get the same separation I programmed when I built the drum kit.