drum acoustics


New member
i have a bad room in terms of size 10x10 so i have treated one corner of it where the drum kit sits with two panels 1.8meter high by by 1.8 meters long to form an L shape (wall battened and high density fibre glass and material covered )
and am in the process of fitting a cloud above this 1.2meters square
and have a fibre glass base on the floor covered with wood and carpet tiles

i am going to put some more 1.2meter by0.6meter pannels at various points around the room

now because the room is 10x10 should i use something like
to break up the room dimentions infront of the drum kit ?
and when you hit the drums do the sound waves stay low with they being bass frequencies in terms of height or do they fill the room ?
just that they do a smaller panel at 1.2 meters high.