Drop-outs on playback: MPowered 7.3


I'm running PT M-powered 7.3, on an Audiophile 192 card. On PC Intel 3.6gHz HTT WinXP Home SP3, 2Gb RAM.

It playsback perfectly, except if I click anywhere on the edit page (another track or segment of audio for example), there's an audible drop-out. In fact it looks like a tiny pause in playback, as the counter stops briefly. Maybe 100ms or something.

Anyone else know of this?

I also run LE 7.4 (Digi 003) on a Mac, without this issue.

I can run Cubase on this machine without problem, so I doubt it's a hardware thing.
I would try updating any computer drivers (graphics driver particularly), hardware firmware, PT CS updates, etc.
Even though it works fine in Cubase, it can still be a problem since PT uses different resources and the hardware differently.
Also, if you have any antivirus (or other programs) running, close them.

Check the hard drive your recording to, also.
Thanks. I'm a bit slack when it comes to updating drivers. I'm a kind of a 'ain't broke don't fix it' guy... :)

But I'll look into that see if that fixes it.

I discovered yesterday that in fact the dropouts mentioned above don't occur if a track is record-enabled.

Sorry, away from my home studio as I'm at work. I'm not sure which buffer setting I'm using. But I'm certain I fiddled with the buffer settings already... I'll let you know.
single hard drive issue??? when you tell it to do something it goes into "housekeeping" mode and playback interupts... if so get another drive and dedicate it to the audio files...
single hard drive issue??? when you tell it to do something it goes into "housekeeping" mode and playback interupts... if so get another drive and dedicate it to the audio files...

Interesting. Since I reinstalled everything a year or two ago, I've (against my better judgement) been doing it all on the one (system) HD. I never used to do this and I know it's crap, but just haven't got round to getting a 2nd HD. Maybe that's related... But I do know an engineer who has PT LE on his iMac, and only records to the system drive, and he has no problems.

Although it's odd that when record-enabled it's absolutely fine. I'll just have to make sure a track is armed then it won't have problems! :D