Dream System

Ken D. Webber, is that you.....

Anyway, if you are talking computers, my dream system would have a computer for editing and mastering only......ANALOG TAPE BABY!!!!!
dream computer......lessee..........

a hoover attachment and a beer tapper, for starters.
I don't think that NASA will give up their "Ultimate DAW" but I think them monster ProTools setups with all kahickies and whatschmacallits look pretty neat. A couple of them linked together (just in case I need 256 tracks...) and a pipeline to the Oban distillery would do the trick.

I had the specs for my dream computer about half a year ago and the price tag would be about $4000 plus soundcard but now, compaq sells the same power in a presario for $99 at Radio Shack. Well, not really but it feels that way.

If money was not an issue, the ultimate DAW would be.

Sorry about this
The next release
