Dr 770 sounds


Structural Member
Does anyone know if there are percussion sounds available to add to the Dr770 or if that is even an option for that unit? I would like to add some different cymbal sounds like a china or splash. I could buy a module but that would require $$$ which is definitely in short supply at this time.
I don't think so. Unless you wanted to somehow hack into the machine's rom and rewrite it.

I think you're stuck with what it has.

You can (iirc) tune the existing sounds. You might be able to pull of the sound you're looking for by pitching up a crash.
Well I guess I will just have to get creative. I love the 770 sounds, kits, features, etc. I'm really surprised that with all of the great sounds, the cymbal selection is so small. I hate to lose tracks to add a splash here or a china there so I guess I'm going to start shopping for a module that I can sync with or just tweak and live with the 770 cymbals...or maybe I'm just getting too picky with my sounds?... :rolleyes: