DP-32 and Sonar - sync, scenes and automix


New member
my first post, hello all.

i'm using my DP-32 with Sonar to control mixer scenes and automixing. it works fine but is long winded to set up so naturally i want to simplify it as much as possible. is there any way to request or force the DP-32 to send all its current midi controller IDs and values so i could record those events on sonar? then i could send those values at the start of the song's count-in to set up my desk for me

my DP-32's midi sync is very spotty (i've reported it to Tascam, no reply yet, none expected) - sometimes it syncs correctly, other times it syncs a little late, e.g. if i record a sequenced click track and then play the sequence and the recording together, sometimes it aligns perfectly, other times it sounds like a short slapback delay. this delay is consistent for the whole track and so sync is still being maintained. i always have about a 50% of jagging a properly synched take, if it glitches then i stop and try again. note i'm using midi clock not MTC, and the DP-32 is the sync master.

if i replace the DP-32 with my old yammy AW16G, the AW16G has no problems at all playing the same sequence with the same gear, it syncs perfectly every time - so it's definitely something related to the DP-32. does anyone have any ideas for a solution or workaround?

i wrote a DP-32 instrument entry for Sonar (suits any Sonar version that uses a master.ins file) and i imagine it would also work for the DP-24. i guess its main worth is being able to see the controller names and ranges if you edit those events directly by hand, e.g. controller number 11 will show '11 - Digital Trim 0 - 42 - 48' and you can see on the right that the usable range is 0 - 48, and that 42 is the 'middle' setting for digital trim, which equates to 0dB on the DP-32. if anyone wants it, i'll post it here.

--> edit - here's a bit more explanation of the 'scenes' side of things.


Sonar track layout: the 4 fader groups collectively use channels 1 - 8, bank changes on 15, the main fader is on 16, and one more channel set to Omni for recording/playing realtime automix events.

i have small clips with various controllers which i can edit, copy and slide around wherever i need. the pic shows all of bank0 and part of bank1 - after the bank change clips on channel 15, there's a small block each for EQ, effects and for fader/pan. the paired tracks on the Tascam only use the even-numbered midi channels, so the odd ones are missing in banks 1-3 which explains the gaps in the pic

this setup is efficient in that i can edit it easily and quickly, but the initial starting 'desk mix' still has to be entered by hand for each new song, so as mentioned above i want to find a way of speeding this up
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ok, there was a new DP-32 firmware update released yesterday (v1.02, basically indentical to the DP-24's v1.12) which claimed to only fix a couple of small issues, one with Live Writer and the other with how mark points show in the track edit view

BUT after a brief test i noticed the sync issue is much better since applying the update - not cured completely, but it is now more like one attempt in ten syncs badly, instead of one in two***

as far as i can tell from the waveform view, when the error occurs the time (lag) difference is exactly one frame. that might be significant. it's hard to tell for sure with Tascam's no-reply policy on support enquiries... so far they ain't sayin' nuthin'

--> *** cancel that. the apparent improvement was due to me using a 45mb/s SD card instead of a 30mb/s card. the sync is still faulty.

------> From Tascam: "We have received your request and will contact you as soon as possible."
Translation: "Your message will be auto-deleted by our Customer Alienation Department. To have your message read and replied to, please either buy shares in Tascam, or marry someone in our upper ranks."
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