DP 008 ex in need of repair


New member
i dropped my tascam a milion and one times and it was perfectly fine but now one of the buttons has broke. its the set in button/ 3rd button under the display screen. i use my tascam on a very regular basses and i use every single button all the time. the thing about it is that it didnt land on the button so i dont really know how it broke. and i know this is gonna sound completely retarded but my first instinct was to completely take it apart. and i mean completely. that was the only way to get to the button. when i got there though there were no obvious signs of anything being broken. (i have repaired old cassette players and four tracks in the past and im not talking about belt replacement. more like motors and intentional slices in the circuit board) what im trying to say is that im not retarded when it comes to fixing shit but the fact the the button still clicks just fine and the connections are solid as far as i can tell makes me think that its perhaps not the botton itself that is actually broken. i would just like to know a relatively smart persons opinion would be before i continue my repair attempt. like ive said ive fixed plenty of old analog 4 tracks and cassette players but never anything digital. could the problem be some digital or with in the brains of the device. (i dont know terminology im sorry. im very d.i.y. and have no training or formal education of any kind. also this my first time ever on a forum and it took me for ever to find one that wasnt impossible to sign up to)
is this cracked pcb something that i can observe? if so what should i be looking for. i have to find a way to repair it. i literally use this thing every day. i completely had no idea what the fuck i was doing for the longest time and was completely tone deaf but now that i know how the compressors work and have finally trained my ears ive been working on a solo project and its literally alll i wanna to do!!!!! i dont even own television! that display screen on that tascam is my television! im gonna cry!
If the switch works- you can easily verify that with a VOM- do a visual inspection of the circuit board and see if you can see any cracks that may have damaged a trace. Follow the traces from the switch.
oh okay tghat doesnt sound so bad now. this one time i have the Mark 2 or 3 i dont remember but anyways i bought it not working from the pawn shop looked at it a few times and even took the switch apart as was like what the fuck? and then i noticed something strange. someone had obviously gotten mad at the owner of the tascam and made too obvious little cuts in the circuit bored to cut off the power supply. i didnt even know if this would work but i use a razor and scrapped off the green coating and fucking sodered that shit back to together
If the switch works- you can easily verify that with a VOM- do a visual inspection of the circuit board and see if you can see any cracks that may have damaged a trace. Follow the traces from the switch.
thank you very much by the way. i honestly dont know why i didnt think about that but i think its cause the digital aspect of the device intimidated me. im just now staring to catch up to the rest of the world. i just barely got my first smart phone a couple months ago.
I have had supposed smart phone a long time and they never show me that they are smart but should be called what they really are is dumb ass chinese junk. The one I have now is changing modes while I talk to another technician and drops calls. I do not call this smart at all. Maybe they should come up with a 5G flip phone again. Wkrbee is the man for that kind of repair as I think Teac would just exchange it or change boards IF it was in warranty- they probably got that from Sony as they stopped fixing things a while ago. Today electronics is either throw away or you get stuck buying another- same thing isn't it? This is what you get with digital but the digital stuff is not responsible for you dropping it all the time- you will find out it will cost you money somewhere down the line. This is not a military designed device.