Doubling bass drum tracks for beef.


New member
I'm trying to help get some beef on a bass drum track I recorded. It's a flawless performance, but I should have miked the drum a little different. But, what I did do in the mix is copy the bass drum track (on my Yamaha AW16G) to an open track. I used a HPF on a different frequency, change some other EQ, slam a little different compression, and BOOM! I mixed the two bass drum tracks to taste...problem fixed. Anyone else ever do this?
Yes I do it all the time, not only with kick but snare and sometimes toms.
I'll copy the drums to a seperate track and compress the snot out of them, add some EQ and then bring them up in the mix under my regular tracks just enough to add some thickness to the drum sound.

multing (copying) is a very common technique in Modern production, props for figuring it out by yourself... i needed someone to tell me :(