doubled guitars start to phase!?!?


New member
I recorded these songs, and I recorded the guitar part twice, and planned on hard-panning each to the left and right, and when I recorded everything into Cool Edit, everything sounded alright. But Then, I started to mix at a buddy's house w/ a Pro Tools set-up, and when I mixed down, all the parts where the guitar is clean, the guitars sound liek a Phaser is on them? What is happening? How can I stop this?

Thanks for any help.
Double check that the two guitar tracks still maintain their hard pans once you've imported them in Pro Tools. They're probably combining in the process somehow.
Even if they are (for whatever reason), you can still zoom in to the waveform and align them. I don't care about mic placement when it comes to phase anymore at all. You can always use this teq if you record on seperate tracks and use a DAW.