double tracking effects not chorus

ez_willis said:
Pretty sure Tupac was just singing along to a prerecorded track during any live performance he ever did. The rap crowd is way less scrutinizing and more forgiving than a rock crowd. Probably because of the Hennessy, crack, and blunts.

When's the last time you saw T.Rex live?

He did, just not as much as artists now a days. What I do is use chorus but send the chorus into a separate track and process it & lower down the volume of it until you barely notice it. This and sometimes delay works too. It usually gives me the doubling effect your describing for live apps.
This is averagely impossible due to the fact you would need complicated maths just to create the difference in sound. If its live and not to a metrenome, this means artisticly the doubled up voice could sound too out of time, or not enough out of time.

I do believe there is a waves plugin that does doubling up, but as with alot of waves plugins you would have to have a great machine to get it running without noticable latency. The pluing is called Waves Doubler, i think there are different versions for the amount of people you want to sound like is tracking.

If the double tracking is for recording purposes, and you want to stay away from re-recording them.. if you have the clean signal of the vocal.. you can use a pluing like melodyne or V-vocal to move about a duplicate of your vocal so it sits slightly different to your origional.

But as i say, live application isnt worth the hassle. Probably best to get a mate to stand behind stage and sing along with you :)
here's what you do....

use a chorus, and send the 'chorus' part to its own track, and send your dry vocal to another track. then on the track with just the chorus, use some type of pitch shifter. then send both of those tracks to its own submix and use milky compression and slap-back delay on the whole thing.
Maybe a boss Dimension C or boss dimension D would be better for a doubler effect

Is the Electro Harmonic Polychorus has a double tracking effect is this good layering?
ez_willis said:
Pretty sure Tupac was just singing along to a prerecorded track during any live performance he ever did. The rap crowd is way less scrutinizing and more forgiving than a rock crowd. Probably because of the Hennessy, crack, and blunts.

When's the last time you saw T.Rex live?

wow, how tasteful.
walters said:
how can i use a SLAP BACK delay to do a double tracked layered vocal??

Try this:
record one track and double it. Now, split it and divide each split track into a multi-layered creamy mix and compress ONLY the first divided part and NOT the split part that was creamified. Pan one split track to the right and the one multi-layered divided track to the right also. Now, create a stem down the middle and compress it 20:1 (before expansion). Pan this stem (before expansion) to the right.

Easy. Now split this panned, creamy, multi-layered divided stem in stereo and double it.

You are done!

Come back for more great advice!
I agree....your tact is impeccable, sir. :) :)

Have we all discounted what would seemingly be the best, most effective solution here?
Walters, if you believe in the theory of time travel, you simply travel back to the beginning of a show and sing the second track live with your primary track and voila, double tracked vocals. I was watching this movie about Napolean where these two guys ordered a time travel machine off of ebay. Not sure how much they go for, but it may be cheaper than buying an effects box. It would surely be more accurate.
Seeker of Rock said:
I agree....your tact is impeccable, sir. :) :)

Have we all discounted what would seemingly be the best, most effective solution here?
Walters, if you believe in the theory of time travel, you simply travel back to the beginning of a show and sing the second track live with your primary track and voila, double tracked vocals. I was watching this movie about Napolean where these two guys ordered a time travel machine off of ebay. Not sure how much they go for, but it may be cheaper than buying an effects box. It would surely be more accurate.
But if you don't RTFM... you could miss the entire show...
MOFO Pro said:
But if you don't RTFM... you could miss the entire show...

This is a great point Walters. RTFM to the time machine if you go that route. They are probably not as simple as one may think. A thought occurred to may be able to do more than two simultaneous live vocals if you orchestrated the whole thing properly. I don't know for sure, but it may be worth consideration. No use in setting limits on yourself.


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walters said:
How can u compressor before expansion?
Some of the more costly units will let you select your signal path similarly to a effects unit, or a desk that lets you pick off you direct outs from any point on the channel strip... often you need to open the unit to acheive this... although some new models will allow swapping dynamic staging via midi control commands... either way it's fairly simple to route your audio though the compressor section and then into the expander, or visa versa... or parrallel them both...
MOFO Pro said:
Some of the more costly units will let you select your signal path similarly to a effects unit, or a desk that lets you pick off you direct outs from any point on the channel strip... often you need to open the unit to acheive this... although some new models will allow swapping dynamic staging via midi control commands... either way it's fairly simple to route your audio though the compressor section and then into the expander, or visa versa... or parrallel them both...

Exactly right. Walters may actually understand this.