Dopey HR-16 MIDI question


New member
Hi there. I have an HR-16 which is all the programming power I need today, but when I tried to hit keyboard notes with it via MIDI, all I got was drums from the targeted keyboard, regardless of channel.

I thought that all the drums were supposed to be on Channel 10 and the other channels were notes. Is there some kind of rule that says that drum machines can't play notes? Am I doing something wrong?


There are 16 MIDI channels. Roland assigned drums to channel 10 in their early multitimbral units, so some people had the idea that 10=drums. MIDI doesn't care where you put drums. Just make sure that the controller (drum machine, drumpads, triggers, midi keyboard) that is sending the drum information and the unit that is receiving/playing the drum sounds are set to transmit and receive the same MIDI channel (and that other MIDI data for other instruments are on seperate channels--MIDI doesn't know or care what you are sending/receiving: it will happily try to play your drum note messages on a piano).

On your HR16 press the "MIDI/UTIL" button and move the slider to go to menu #1 "set MIDI Channel". If your keyboard is a Roland with drums on channel 10 you can set the keyboard drum volume to zero -- or-- do what I do: dedicate a different MIDI channel to drums and don't use MIDI channel 10 at all. (A lot of us use MIDI channel 16 for drums.)
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I know I'm dense but that doesn't seem to work. I have everything on Channel 1, I plug my keyboard into the HR-16 and the output of the HR-16 into the Yamaha CBX tone box. If I play a note on the keyboard, going through the HR-16, I see the Channel 1 light on the CBX flash, and I hear a note. If I start the HR-16 transmitting the same note, nada. The drum machine is on Channel 1 and "transmit MIDI notes" is on.