Dongle Crack for SX 2

In your esteemed opinion, do you think that Hector is;

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you were going so well..

until you hit that last question:

it sounded something like:

"i personally believe... that.........some....people .....don't have such ...and....thus.....south in..south Africa.."

Fuck you, you arrogant fuck. You are in no position to patronise me. Your grammar and punctuation, and the structure of your post, is virtually unreadable.

no we would need to go and ask AVID ironically as they own both Stienberg and Digidesign.

are we all aware of that ? The same corporation owns both?

well we would need to say show me Digidesign current Profits as against Stienberg Current profits.

That's completely irrelevant to my point. But if you asked AVID what piracy did to their profits, do you honestly think they would say "it improves them, keep nicking our stuff". Give over. They'll tell you that results in a loss of profits.

you see what you quoted here : "If nothing was available for free, they would have to buy it"

is called in economic terms a narrowing of the market exposure.

We can say a similar thing for Pro Tools as it is generally a narrow field i.e being primarily operated on a Mac system 10% of the computer market and often needing a 002 or 003 rack to operate.

mbox sales would have widened the market exposure but generally it's pretty narrow still

Operation on the mac system is a matter of choice.

The pro tools HD system costs far more than Pro Tools M-Powered of Pro Tools LE, and doesn't require M-Audio of Digi Hardware. What it does require is thousands of pounds to buy, because the hardware you do need is part of the HD system. For that, imagine if you are in the game of spending that much money, you can afford a mac as a dedicated audio PC.

M-Powered and LE are probably split mac to PC at about the same ratio as any other recording software.

Aside from that, the LE and M-Powered versions have been cracked to not require the hardware. Much like Cubase with it's dongle. I know this because I know some assholes who steal all their software, and they offered me a copy of Pro Tools that didn't need it. I told them of course to shove it. LE and M-Powered are also not much more expensive than Cubase or something like that. In fact the software itself costs less than half of what Cubase cost me. An M-Audio card costs less than £100. So an M-Powered setup is actually cheaper than Cubase.

What pro tools is, however, is a money trap. You start with limitations, and have to pay for upgrades to get the full functionality of something like Cubase. For example, the number of tracks you can use is limited until you buy the upgrade. This is part of the reason why the market is narrow, because it narrows itself with red tape. It also doesn't have quite the MIDI functionality.

we need to compare that to a wide market exposure system such as Cubase, and see if that extra market exposure indeed lead to increases of sales.

a good indication would be the last five years profit and income estimates including this year to date from the two divisions of the same corporation Avid.

I really don't have to see them.
the market system will always win if the product is good.

what you are talking about leads to low market exposure, bad backwards systems, inferior products and higher prices.

yes that's right HIGHER prices, you may disagree with me but you need to show some evidence as i am about to do

a narrowing of any market leads to a monopoly a monopoly generally always leads to higher prices and lower quality.

Narrowing of what market? The market is already narrow, it's specialist software, like I said.

If more people bought the software, it wouldn't need to be so expensive. They need to make their money back, and they need to make a profit for other projects. This either means selling more product, or increasing the price. Due to the fact that audio production software isn't your everyday household software that everyone uses, like windows for example, there is a point where marketing will make no difference, and will in fact be detrimental, due to the money spent on it. Therefore, they can only do what they can do to make their money. So I still stand by the fact that people stealing rather than buying means that I and the other honest people out there, end up paying a significant amount more so that others can use it for free.

And where's your evidence? So far you have cited nothing.

now the example for the people that can't understand:

If only you understand them, then perhaps your perception is wrong.

you cannot copy or crack a piece of outboard Gear can you?

lets vote and ask electrical engineers if it cost the thousands of dollars to make a valve compressor to justify the price.( I mean is valve technology still the magic art of the alchemists)

Material cost isn't the only cost involved in manufacture. There's labour.... and not just of the technicians designing it, but down from the people on the factory floor, up to back office staff, resource management staff, accountants, executives, the people in the shop selling it, to name but a few. Those wage packets cost a tidy sum. Then there are other things to take into account, from stuff as mundane to the lighting and water bills for the buildings the businesses use, right up to the ink printed onto the front of the CD. If you think that the only people that need to be paid are the a small team of developers, and their boss, you need to go learn about how a business works. For every product made, there are probably a few hundred people behind it, and a few hundred other resources that need paying for. Manufacturing costs add up.

What we are looking at is the ultimate narrow market and an ultimate monopoly as the information and education field was also narrowed.
now I’m not saying those valve compressors were inferior products but for the price they were far far from perfect. (but that in essence is what gave them the sound also, the actual malfunction.)

Hmmm….higher price lower quality of features now what DAW does that remind me of….any Cubase or logic users tried Pro tools lately?

Pro tools is an industry standard. It makes a fuck of a lot of money for the people that use it, not just through using it, but to the appeal to the customer, recording artist, executive producer or label. Just having Pro Tools in effect gets you customers in a lot of cases. Hence the higher price. For HD systems anyway. As I said M-Powered and LE are really no different from other consumer software out there, apart from being a bit of a pain in the arse.

but my point is made,

Your point is delving into the realms of irrelevance, and is nearing self-indulgence.

in fact i might check N-Track out as a DAW if i can see that it can do everything Cubase can do in regard to performance bounce down etc.
i might buy that and not upgrade my Cubase.

Why not try Reaper, that's completely free.

trust me you are wrong on this one,

No I'm not. Less people buying means less product sold, means less income. Piracy is not a form of marketing. Yeah there's the try before you buy option. But there are still those of us out there who find other ways of finding out what software is like. Asking people, free demos, reviews, looking at the features available. I chose Cubase by reading a pdf manual, for example.

You think that x business tenders for contracts by stealing products? No, it reads, makes comparisons, talks to representatives of the companies they are tendering. Examines the pros and cons or each option.

i know you think i'm an arrogant fuck but i told you i am an economic genius (not because I’m smart) just because everyone else got dumb somehow.. and I was immune.

No, you're an arrogant fuck. No one got dumb, you started dumb. So dumb in fact that you are convinced of the opposite. So dumb that you refuse to admit or recognise any flaw in yourself, and therefore saw no need to self improve. That's called being an arrogant fuck.

Tell me, if you are an economic genius, and "one" of the best songwriters in the world. How come no one has heard of you? Surely you would have the talent, and the business sense to become one of the most famous richest people in the world.

And besides, going back to your first comment about the structure of one of my paragraphs, if you had a shred of genius about you, you would know better than to talk down to everyone you meet. Especially when your grammar is so shitty. Furthermore, you would be doing far more interesting things than trying to prove yourself on an internet forum.
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A market is all about self improvment

I'm not an intelligent guy.

i have many and varied flaws.

i have a limited amount of energy.

oh by the way the comment was in no way referring to the structure of your sentence it was referring to the ad lib nature of the answer:

See here for an amusing explanation that will explain everything:

the video is at the bottom of the page.

You should watch it. It will make you smile.

i don't think that i am better than anyone, just some people misunderstand the general situation in society today.

it doesn’t bother you that corporations own nearly everything?
we are looking down the barrel of corporate communism legionserial that's a situation where the corporation own SO much and have SO much power that they are dictating the state and the end result is a "copy paste Communism."

lets see some examples:

the US health care system is a corporate monopoly ( i include this because I know people will have it in their mind response because of the movie)

are US citizens basking in the Low cost, HIgh Quality Health care they get?

Communism was the ultimate Corporate monopoly

Was Communist Russia known for it's Low cost High quality Goods?

3. Corporate banking is a Complete monopoly are they know for their high quality of service and their low cost to the consumer in terms of interest rates on borrowing?
And low fees (before you answer that, this will gets long and complicated really quickly I’m not referring to anything with regard to intellect I’m talking about time and page space.)


Mobile Phones are an aggressive market system so are other technology products

what is the effect?

low quality High Cost?......….. is that technology goods?...

or are Technology goods
relatively low cost high quality?

why am i not known? because i'm obviously not the genius i think i am, but i want to improve, and help people as well.
that's all.

I don’t see the mutual exclusiveness between being known and creating Art that helps people.
you can see

she answers the question again on the today show.

she's not a stupid person as you can see as i wasn't saying you were.
it's the ad lib nature of it, un prepared.

Also I will certainly much rather (as will happen) live out my life and create my art to be my signatory even after my life ends and have it judged in 100 years as my own production.

rather than sell compromise or change that production in the short term for some short lived material gain.

i just want to help others do so also, if that help is not wanted or needed then so be it, i'm still me and will still be doing my thing anyhow knowing that my principals are correct and it is the world that is shifting the wrong way.

that is away from the human market and towards something else. probably worse than communism.

the internet is a free market and the idea of a forum or the forum principal is one of the most revolutionary principals of humanity full stop. you take it for granted but a "forum" and the idea of the Forum has saved many human lives.
i just can’t be any more emphatic than that about it.

The idea of the FORUM is the Internet it’s everything!

just put some thought into it.
By the way.

I think (but don't know) that Vivendi Universal owns N-track...

it abstractly serves as evidence for two of my points but brings me ZERO happiness and in fact depresses me further... whatever.

it proves they are using it for marketing.

and it proves we live in a world going wrong.

if it's not true i would be happy to be called wrong. really happy.
I'm not an intelligent guy.

i have many and varied flaws.

i have a limited amount of energy.

oh by the way the comment was in no way referring to the structure of your sentence it was referring to the ad lib nature of the answer:

See here for an amusing explanation that will explain everything:

the video is at the bottom of the page.

You should watch it. It will make you smile.

If you mean miss Minnesota. I've seen it. It's damn funny. The way they cheer her when she finally gets it right on that talk show was even funnier. Like "well done, you managed to string a sentence together". What I said certainly wasn't ad libbed. And didn't seem that way to me. I am a keen writer and as such am a perfectionist. Truth be told every post I write gets at least one edit.

i don't think that i am better than anyone, just some people misunderstand the general situation in society today.

You professed yourself as a genius and "one" of the best song writers in the world. And said that everyone else was dumb and you aren't. That is in effect a statement pertaining to thinking you are better than everyone else. If you were merely being tongue in cheek, read it over a few times and see if other people get the same vibes.

it doesn’t bother you that corporations own nearly everything?
we are looking down the barrel of corporate communism legionserial that's a situation where the corporation own SO much and have SO much power that they are dictating the state and the end result is a "copy paste Communism."

Yes and no. In one way I don't care, in one way I do. I don't like the fact that our economy has been virtually handed to China. Globalization is fine with balance. We need to give ourselves something to fall back on. this is neither here or there on the subject of piracy. I don't even care if stealing is wrong or right. I just don't like people taking for free what I pay for.

To be honest, as far as industry and corporations goes, at this point I can't see past the shoddy manufacturing standards today. Nothing works properly. software undergoes years of patching and is never perfected before it becomes obsolete. This means inconvenience at my expense. Yeah I'm sure it ties in in many ways with everything being corporate owned. It's all money making and shortcuts at the end of the day. But I look at things from a perspective of the end user. I gave up my world view a long time ago when I realised the world is a shitty place.

What I do realise however, is that as shoddy as the products we buy are these days, it's better than the nothing we would have if everything was all done by private businesses. To me there's a bit of good, and bit of bad, but that's life. My life is pretty sweet. I'm not rich, but I have a nice house, which is mine, and some nice stuff. I wouldn't have any of that if I had to buy a small business prices. However I do feel for small businesses who lose out because of monopolies.

See, it's a mixed bag, and that's why I decided to say fuck it, and just get on with my life and stop worrying about it.

And yeah AVID owning Digidesign, Steinberg and M-Audio pisses me off. butt that's more to do with their "fuck you and the horse you rode in on, we've got your money now" attitude. If a large corporation has some values, then it's fine and I welcome their monopoly.

At the risk of sounding like Miss Minnesota again I'll just summarize it by saying yes, it bothers me, but only from the perspective of an inconvenienced and under-supported end user.

lets see some examples:

the US health care system is a corporate monopoly ( i include this because I know people will have it in their mind response because of the movie)

are US citizens basking in the Low cost, HIgh Quality Health care they get?

I don't care about that. I'm from England. We have NHS over here. And yes, I know, people have said it before, an NHS won't work in the US because of the profiteering of the government.

Communism was the ultimate Corporate monopoly

Was Communist Russia known for it's Low cost High quality Goods?

As a guitarist, I only have one thing to say....vacuum tubes.

But apart from that, you are right. However don't get me started on communism. I hate it. But I also see the difference between a corporate capitalist economy and a communist one. Yeah, companies can gain monopoly on things, but as it stands, smaller companies still have the freedom to try (and yeah they may fail) to break the monopoly and rise above the rest. Communism is politically intertwined to the extent that you are not allowed to do that. No one is allowed to earn more than anyone else. That is very far from the way things are in a corporate world. I believe that people should have the freedom to earn as much as they like, and if that means being good enough at what they do, that they are able to monopolise an industry, then better that than communism.

And anyway, communist Russia was corrupt. Which is the nature of communism.

3. Corporate banking is a Complete monopoly are they know for their high quality of service and their low cost to the consumer in terms of interest rates on borrowing?
And low fees (before you answer that, this will gets long and complicated really quickly I’m not referring to anything with regard to intellect I’m talking about time and page space.)

Don't get me started on banks either. Any organisation that deals directly with other people's money is going to end up being a total clusterfuck. Some banks don't have ridiculous fees, some need to shop around. Unfortunately a lot of big banks fees are high, and the interest rates are pushed up, due to their losing other people's money on the stockmarket.


Mobile Phones are an aggressive market system so are other technology products

Only if you are dumb enough to fall for the need for the latest new fangled technology. I have a mobile phone. It's super old, but it works and fits in my pocket. I don't need an mp3 player on it (I'll get to those things in a second), I don't need it to play Beethoven symphony in 5.1 surround when my gran calls me. It cost me £20.

mp3 players, again I have a cheapo mp3 player. It doesn't have 7billion gigs of space on it. Why do I need that? I'm not going to travel that far that I need all that music in my pocket in one go. I have an hour to work and an hour back. I can fit 3 cd's on it. Why would I need more?

To some extent, the consumer is to blame if they are constantly buying the latest new tech. They think they need it, and they don't. It's fashion, peer pressure, whatever. The consumer is to blame almost as much as, maybe more than, the corporation. There are those of us who don't feel we need to spend our money on that crap, and there are those who put themselves up shit creek without a paddle to keep up with the Joneses. It's almost Darwinism. Corporations thrive because of consumerism. you can't blame them for marketing something, they are in the business of making money, and you can't blame them for idiots buying it. You can blame the idiots.

what is the effect?

low quality High Cost?......….. is that technology goods?...

or are Technology goods
relatively low cost high quality?

A bit of both. Low quality high cost is usually attributed to big name companies. For example, Levi's. cost a fortune, last a couple of months.
As for low cost, high quality, I bought a pair of jeans from ASDA for next to nothing. That was over 10 years ago. They are still fine. Every pair of Levi's I ever owned got fucked up in a matter of months.

Again, it's peer pressure, keeping up with the Joneses. Your average fashion victim, marketing fodder has to have the Levi's name on their jeans. Because thats what the "cool" people have, and they want to fit in. So they go for the high cost low quality option. People who don't care about that shit will look for value for money, and get it, because they don't care if they have Levi's written on the back of their jeans.

It's all about labels now to a lot of consumers, and you really cannot blame corporations for tapping into that.

But all that said, I'll assume you don't live in England. Try living over here. Everything is overpriced.

why am i not known? because I'm obviously not the genius i think i am, but i want to improve, and help people as well.
that's all.

That's cool. Just can the insinuations of superiority. If you say stuff that makes people think you think you are better than them, they won't listen to you, and you'll help no one.

When I first read you comment regarding being one of the best songwriters in the world, I actually appreciated it as part of a motivational speech for the OP of that thread. Or even self motivation eg "I am a tiger! I am a winner" etc etc. Was it? Or do you really believe that. If it was a motivational example, then fair enough. But you have to be very precise about how you word stuff like that so that it isn't misinterpreted.

I don’t see the mutual exclusiveness between being known and creating Art that helps people.

It's the combination of being an economic genius and good songwriter that leads me to believe that if both were true, you'd be rich by now. The richest musicians are also very good businessmen/women most of the time.
no we would need to go and ask AVID ironically as they own both Stienberg and Digidesign.

really?? that's news to me...i check Steinberg's website and it still copyrighted to "© 2007 Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH", whereas digidesign's is "Copyright © 1996-2007 Avid Technology" and M-Audio's is "Copyright © 2000-2007 Avid Technology".

I Had a look at the Avid website and whilst Sibelius, Pinnacle Systems, Sundance Digital, Softimage are all mentioned there's nothing on Steinberg.
yes i care.

Pinnacle Systems was a division of AVid.

so Yamaha Corporation have taken over, at least that's some competition i suppose.
What pro tools is, however, is a money trap. You start with limitations, and have to pay for upgrades to get the full functionality of something like Cubase. For example, the number of tracks you can use is limited until you buy the upgrade. This is part of the reason why the market is narrow, because it narrows itself with red tape. It also doesn't have quite the MIDI functionality.

I just think this is funny though... You keep saying that piracy inhibits developement but the most restrictive pain in the ass software there is happens to also be the hardest to pirate. I don't think that is an accident. Just food for thought though. I've been in this battle before and don't wish to return.
And yeah AVID owning Digidesign, Steinberg and M-Audio pisses me off. butt that's more to do with their "fuck you and the horse you rode in on, we've got your money now" attitude. If a large corporation has some values, then it's fine and I welcome their monopoly.
What the fuck? Avid owns Digidesign and M-Audio. Steinberg is owned by Yamaha, not Avid.
Although already announced at the end of 2004, Yamaha closes the acquisition of Steinberg from Pinnacle Systems in January 2005. From 21st January, Steinberg is an independent company within the Yamaha group. Kaz Kobayashi becomes Managing Director, and a new phase of co-operation and co-development between Yamaha and Steinberg begins…
I just think this is funny though... You keep saying that piracy inhibits developement but the most restrictive pain in the ass software there is happens to also be the hardest to pirate. I don't think that is an accident. Just food for thought though. I've been in this battle before and don't wish to return.

It may be hard to pirate, but it's been done. It only needs to be done once and posted on e-mule or kazaar or some place like that. It doesn't make it any harder for people to download and install. It's like an arms race. They can take these preventative measures, but in the end someone always cracks it. And in the end the only people who suffer are the people buying the stuff.
I'm glad you had the balls to post something like this. It just made my day. lol
Look you tard. It don't take any balls to post on these forums. If it did neither you or Hector would be here. What does take balls is to be a responsible person and do the right thing. Pay for your software like everyone else. Did you steal your guitar? Did you steal your mixer? Preamps? Mics? Why not? What's the difference to you? You guys are fucking theives. Now get!
Piracy == Buying an illegal copy of a product. Keyword is 'buy'.
So, if the thread starters for example goes to russia and buys an unlicensed, cracked copy of Cubase SX 2, he is committing piracy.

So please, don't speak of piracy when it is not the case.

ps, in no means am I supporting this cracking of software, it just seems there are problems in understanding, thank you very much for the genious for understanding my post and generously donating me some bad rep.
Piracy == Buying an illegal copy of a product. Keyword is 'buy'.
So, if the thread starters for example goes to russia and buys an unlicensed, cracked copy of Cubase SX 2, he is committing piracy.

So please, don't speak of piracy when it is not the case.

ps, in no means am I supporting this cracking of software, it just seems there are problems in understanding, thank you very much for the genious for understanding my post and generously donating me some bad rep.

Keyword is not 'buy', keyword is 'aquire'. The law doesn't give a shit whether you paid for it or not.

Think of pirates on the 7 seas. You think they bought all the gold they plundered? You think they hijacked a ship, and then forced money into the captains hand in exchange for his ship and all the treasure on it.

Piracy is defined (in terms of copyright infringement) as copyright infringement. Copyright infringement is defined as the unauthorized use of material which is covered by copyright law, in a manner that violates one of the original copyright owner's exclusive rights, such as the right to reproduce or perform the copyrighted work, or to make derivative works that build upon it.

In other words, recreating, copying, reproducing, or using software without a liscence or permission is copyright infringement, and considered stealing. Last I heard, willfully aquiring stolen goods was illegal and tantamount to stealing. The basic definition of piracy is robbery, therefore aquiring illegally reproduced software is piracy.....There are many angles you can approach it from, but they all yeild the same result - using illegal, cracked software is piracy.
Copyright infringement is defined as the unauthorized use of material which is covered by copyright law, in a manner that violates one of the original copyright owner's exclusive rights, such as the right to reproduce or perform the copyrighted work, or to make derivative works that build upon it.

And how does dowloading a piece of data resrict their right to reproduce it perform it or make derivative works there of?
No one else is producing it, no one else is trying to modify it.
In other words, recreating, copying, reproducing, or using software without a liscence or permission is copyright infringement, and considered stealing. Last I heard, willfully aquiring stolen goods was illegal and tantamount to stealing. The basic definition of piracy is robbery, therefore aquiring illegally reproduced software is piracy.....There are many angles you can approach it from, but they all yeild the same result - using illegal, cracked software is piracy.

I bet you believe the price of oil is just a product of the market and nothing more too... Don't believe everything that corporate America lobbied into law is a.) moral or b.) the propper use of cpoyright protection as it was originally envisioned.
And how does dowloading a piece of data resrict their right to reproduce it perform it or make derivative works there of?
No one else is producing it, no one else is trying to modify it.

The copyright applied to that piece of data provides all the restrictions. And if theyare downloading that pieceof data against the terms of the copyright, then theyare already breaking the law.

I bet you believe the price of oil is just a product of the market and nothing more too... Don't believe everything that corporate America lobbied into law is a.) moral or b.) the propper use of cpoyright protection as it was originally envisioned.

I don't give a fuck about corporate america. I'm not from those parts.
Keyword is not 'buy', keyword is 'aquire'. The law doesn't give a shit whether you paid for it or not.

Think of pirates on the 7 seas. You think they bought all the gold they plundered? You think they hijacked a ship, and then forced money into the captains hand in exchange for his ship and all the treasure on it.

Piracy is defined (in terms of copyright infringement) as copyright infringement. Copyright infringement is defined as the unauthorized use of material which is covered by copyright law, in a manner that violates one of the original copyright owner's exclusive rights, such as the right to reproduce or perform the copyrighted work, or to make derivative works that build upon it.

In other words, recreating, copying, reproducing, or using software without a liscence or permission is copyright infringement, and considered stealing. Last I heard, willfully aquiring stolen goods was illegal and tantamount to stealing. The basic definition of piracy is robbery, therefore aquiring illegally reproduced software is piracy.....There are many angles you can approach it from, but they all yeild the same result - using illegal, cracked software is piracy.

Let's just forget it.
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