does this sound right to you re. mastering


New member
So i have never mastered a song before...or even had a really good, thorough go at a mix down. I make my tracks in ableton on my macbook. I now have an imac with logic 8 which came with some t racks plugins (which i believe are good for mastering?)

To get myself ready for a mixdown and a master, do i bounce each individual track in ableton to audio, open up a new project in logic, import each audio track into the sequencer and begin mixing?

does this sound right?

Thanks in advance
So i have never mastered a song before...or even had a really good, thorough go at a mix down. I make my tracks in ableton on my macbook. I now have an imac with logic 8 which came with some t racks plugins (which i believe are good for mastering?)

To get myself ready for a mixdown and a master, do i bounce each individual track in ableton to audio, open up a new project in logic, import each audio track into the sequencer and begin mixing?

does this sound right?

Thanks in advance

Mixing and mastering are two separate processes.

In Mixing, you would take the individual elements (tracks) (instruments) in a multi-track recording and balance them and blend them into a two track mix.

In Mastering, you would take that mix or a group of mixes and prepare and finalize them for distribution.
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would the "two track mix" be all drums/perc in one mix and the other mix all the synths,vocals, pianos etc?

No, the 2-track mix is the final result of what you did in mixdown. It's the whole song, with everything panned, EQ'd, effects, etc......It's pretty much your final product before mastering, which is the final final product. :D
Mixing = taking all recorded tracks and "mixing"/arranging them together into a song that is output to a final stereo format (Mixdown)

Mastering = taking the finished mixes and preparing for final distribution medium. usually means taking a colection of finished songs and leveling the percieved volume and applying some EQ to make them into a coherent album as a "master" copy for mass distribution