Does this make me a saddo?


I heart guitars!
As I've mentioned before, I'm pretty new to the wonders of Cubase and audio sequencing in general. One thing I find myself doing (and enjoying!) is embiggening the audio tracks and editing out the points where there is no signal. Fair enough, but the more I do this, the more I find I'm doing it between individual kick drum and snare drum beats. Does anyone else do this, or do you all have lives?
Handsome Al said:
It's called obsessive compulsive disorder...

I was worried about that :(

I like to think of it as noise-gating extreme. In an action-dude kind of way...
My flatmate/fellow band member has similar issues... I used to get incredibly stressed out sitting next to him when he was in control of the mouse!

We now have 2 mice plugged in and if he gets too obsessive then I step in and take command with the other mouse...
embiggening? I had to look that up, but couldn't find it in an American english dictionary.

Anyway, can't say I edit too much in the way that you do. I do cut out gaps in my vocal track though, but that's about it. When all get mixed together, I don't notice much from micing a guitar amp, or other stuff. Don't be too hard on yourself ;) , but if you find that you're spending more time doing this type of editing than making the music, well, I just don't know what to say. :)
warble said:
embiggening? I had to look that up, but couldn't find it in an American english dictionary.
Why? It's a perfectly cromulant word ;)
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