does cakewalk software have good compression?

bill elder

New member
I have a choice of getting an aardvark Q10 with no compressor and 8 ins or the ark's 24/96 with compressor but only 4 ins, so I was wondering if i need the arks compressor when if cakewalks compressor in the mix down is good enough. Does the cakewalk pro audio 9 software have compression at all and is it quality compression at all?
Cakewalk's compression is just like all their other stock plug-ins, basic and not really all that intuitive. I don't like it.

I have had exceptionally good luck with dbAudioware's compression plugin suite, it kicks total ass. Excellent presets and a multiband limiter that rules.

I'm running the Aardvark LX6 and have the compression stuff, but I prefer working with compression in post. If I was doing live recording instead of studio work I would probably use the Aardvark stuff in-line.
get the ultrafunk compressor by sonitus.

you can get their whole suite for $200 or just get the compressor plug-in as a single purchase.

i've got the whole suite, dsp-fx, and waves.

i use the ultrafunk compressor (with it's built in peak limiter) for individual tracks and i use the waves C4 multi-band compressor for mastering.
Hi crosstudio,

Yeah, I enjoy using the Ultrafunk package too. I wrote up a review of the product for Electronic Musician magazine a little while back, and I gave it a high score because of all the features and flexibility it provides. Very nice.


Scott R. Garrigus - Author of Cakewalk, Sound Forge, and SONAR Power! books; Publisher of DigiFreq. Win a free copy of BBE Sonic Maximizer and learn more cool music technology tips and techniques by getting a FREE subscription to DigiFreq... go to: