Does Anyone Still Mess With A Fostex Mr-8????


New member
I was thinking of getting one for $40-100....One question I wanted to know was, if you have a instrumental cd, with instrumental tracks, how do u put them into the multi track recorder??? I know some have a cd drive, but can u import thru cd, or can u import an mp3 instrumental track into the recorder??? Do they have midi?
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If you have instrumental tracks, convert them to .wav files and either use the Wave Manager application and send them to the MR8 via USB, or create a song so it is on the CF card and then use a card reader to transfer the files onto the card. You will have to name the files TR01.WAV, TR02.WAV, etc.

I haven't tinkered with an MR8 in a couple years and am just reciting from memory... If there's an incorrect step in there, I'm sure a current MR8 user will step in
Have one, love it,but ltd. simultaneous racks

Hey fellow recordist. I have used one for 2+ years. Long enough to see even Mus. Friend price drop dramatically. It has proved durable, seems to have excellent preamps. My quest now is to find the cheapest way to record more than the 4 simultaneous tracks offered as I have realized that to record my drummer, I really need 6+ tracks minimum to do a nice job. But the quality and simplicity of use has been very refreshing. The only thing i am a bit puzzled or frustrated by is the apparent inability to jog to a precise millisecond point on a recording as I know is possible on other units.

Maybe consider looking at the Tascam 2488. [OT]:eek:;)

... so your 4-simul comments relate to the MR8-HD, right? The MR8-HD was a big design improvement over the MR8 (std/mkII), with more inputs/simul but less the battery power,... which some people might have found useful. YMMV.:eek:;)

Some of the things that worried me were reports of the MR8's weak preamps and buttons, plus the 2-simul limit, lack of controllable EQ and the 5/6 & 7/8 pairing of the tracks, which seems like it might be limiting. When I saw one in person, I was amazed at how small it actually is,... and the battery-op feature is something I'm strangely interested in, tho' I don't know why. When the MR8-HD came out, I was most interested in the 4-simul aspect of the device. (I never got either one, tho'). The more the price drops on these units, the more interesting they become, but in the turnaround the more capable recorders come out to replace them, so it really never ends.
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Maybe you could download the User Manual and the Supplement from the fostexusa site (under Support) and this would answer most of your questions.
As BentRabbit said, you will need to convert the files to .WAV and label TR1 etc to reload from your computer.

The MR16 HD/CD will import track data from a commercial audio CD (CD-DA) to a stereo track pair i.e. 1/2 or 3/4 and the track data is converted into two mono .WAV files using the internal CD writer. (won't work with USB) This will work with the MR8 HD/CD.
I've had one for 6 years and it's what I still use - I prefer it over computer recording. I just like the idea of "old school" real knobs, faders, etc. and I like the simplicity, the basicness of it - it gives you more of a challenge to come up with a quality recording due to it's limitations but that's the fun of it. I've been thinking of maybe buying an outboard mixer with basic EQ function to use with it but maybe I should look into just upgrading to a Fostex that has EQ's, built-in cd-r burner, etc.