Does anyone know how Clyde Stubblefield's kit was recorded?

Just wondering if anyone knew anything about the way Clyde Stubblefield (James Brown's drummer) mic'ed his kit? How many mics, where placed, etc?

I realise that to emulate that sound 99% is the player and the kit, but I was wondering anyway.
i dunno... but he was just on an NPR show this past weekend...that 'whatdoyouknow.'

he's still funky...even when playing in iowa. :eek:

Some time ago (like 4 or 5 months) Modern Drummer featured Ahmir Thompson (The Roots) on cover, and he discussed how old Motown record were made.
Try to get a copy, but he basically said that was little (tiny) room, with the drums all dumped, closed mic´ed. He said that the drummers wasn´t hitting the drums hard, it was more like a gently touch.
Hope this helps...