Dodging Aardvark's Mic Pre's

Rick Charming

New member
Hey there Q10 users,

If I buy some higher end mic pre's, how do I dodge the ones that are internally hooked up to the Aardvark? Is there something I have to do in the software?

the aardvark pres are actually really nice, i dont know if you're gonna really want to "dodge" them, because they work quite well.
You just need to get the Aardvark to recognize them as line inputs instead.

Actually, the pre's on the aardvark really aren't that nice at all. Adding outboard will most undoubtably be a step up:)
A conflict... just how good are the mic pres?

I've had decent luck with them but I'm certainly looking to upgrade.


To bypass the preamps just plug a 1/4" balanced line into the front of the unit. It will take that line signal and bypass the preamp automatically.

To answer the question of how good they are is tough. I used them extensively on the bed tracking of my last album and never looked back or thought that was my weak point.

I also have a bunch of FMR RNP's, some Meek stuff, and a Great River. I prefer these over the Q10, but primarily because I did not like using the Q10 software to set and monitor levels. I feel like I could hear a difference using the RNP on overheads instead of the Q10, but it is all very subjective.

Frankly, I have heard bigger jumps in sound improvement when upgrading mics. When I swapped my Chinese LDC mic for a Shure SM7 that made a difference I could hear immediately. My buddies could hear it, anyone could hear it. The preamp upgrades are very very subtle.

Not sure if this helps at all.

Good luck,


PS: I dumped my Q10's and now use an RME FF800 and everything I said above about the Q10 is also true for the FF800