Do you practice sitting down or standing up?


New member
When I started out learning how to play the guitar, I always play by sitting down only to find out that I once I stand up I can't play it anymore or is having a hard time because I strap on my guitar quite low. Nowadays I practice standing up. Sometimes I would practice like I'm actually performing in front of a crowd. Often times, I would put a mirror in front of me to get an audience perspective. It feels awkward and funny at first but I got used to it over time. That really helped a lot. Now I'm not afraid to get onstage and do what I have to do. I can correct myself too if I look too stiff or too tense. When I go back to playing sitting down, it's so much easier and I can feel that I have improved dramatically.:cool::D
Whenever I practice I'm usually sitting down, same goes for writing songs. I write on the acoustic and am usually sitting on the floor or on the couch randomly jotting lyrics down while trying to come up with a good melody.
Then, when its time for band practice we all stand.

I'm almost always sitting down or standing up, except for when I'm lying down, squatting or crouching. So I guess I practice sitting down and standing up quite a bit although I never set aside time to focus on either in particular. I've been sitting almost all day at work does that count as practicing sitting? Pretty soon I'm going to head to the grocery store where I will get lost of standing practice.
Yonce, you beat me to it -- I also find I can stand up and sit down quite correctly without much practice.

If I'm playing the guitar, I'm usually standing up. The chair closest to my amp isn't really conducive to playing, and it usually has a cat sleeping in it.
I usually start out sitting down, then I stand up when I have to go answer the door because the cops are here again. :D
Yes, but if you lean on a stool with your knees slightly bent, you're not standing....or sitting. There you go.
Standing 90% of the time, because I'm usually singing too. I find I can sing better when standing up....
Our rehealsalplace is so crammed we have to stand up.:o

Lol. I liked that. We use to have a smaller rehearsal place, too. Now, we moved to bigger, more comfy place and everybody just got lazy, especially the singer.:)
Our rehealsalplace is so crammed we have to stand up.:o

oh, hey, that reminds of my first rehearsal room 'bout 30 years was a cellar in a bar...we were surrounded by beer crates and had 20,000 cockroaches for an audience....scared the shit out of me :eek:

but at least we didn't have to go far to get a beer...:D

the mirror thing really helps, though....
but it's not an issue for me, I don't play live so I always sit....