Do you guys think I'm an idiot?

Yeah, there is some great advice in this thread.

I'm 20 years old...I go to GA State University...I live with my parents...I work at Best Buy some, basically to feed my gear habit.

I mean, right now I think I basically have everything - except for enough free time. Which, means that I am going to have to give up Best Buy soon enough, so that I can spend more time in my studio - becuase that's what is really important to me.

And becoming a good producer/engineer is a viable skill - esp. if you can get decent enough at home....wearing a lot of hats, etc.

But, the "important" thing for me right now is school. I work with a few people who just want to record some's good experience for me and cheap/free for them. And I record some of my own stuff...

But, next fall I will be transferring to the University of GA, and I'll be on the home stretch for my Journalism degree. After that I am "on track" with my credits to get an MBA from UGA in marketing, on top of that.

When I finish up with that, I don't plan to really "jump on it". I am going to focus on music...and attempt to live the dream. but hell, if I play my cards right, I can be 24 years old, virtually debt free with a masters degree in bidness...*and* have the engineering/music chops that could possibly take me to the "big time".

School is really important's all about options. I stayed in state and sacrificed a bit of my "college experience" becuase I could get a cool scholarship, and save on money overall.

Thats something that even at this age I could warn an 18 year old about....getting in debt, with school. Even though student loans carry relatively low interest rates..lots of my friends went to school in Cali, when they graduate they'll owe 60,000 at least, just for an undergrad degree.

My point is...I don't really know what I want to do with my life. I really care about independent music...and I love music. I also love to I am trying to fulfill some of that. But hell, maybe I will finish with school, give music a go....and decide I want to go back for an Electrical Engineering degree...

It's never too late for anyone...and education mixed WITH training is key. A bunch of the kids at GA State that are audio engineering majors...are pretty poor suckers in my opinion. I have talked with several of them who don't know shit about mixing, or compression, or anything else that I learn in my home studio and on this fact, they don't really have any experience...and are close to graduating. Their degree isn't worth much IMO, because when they get out that really can't do anything. They are just going to have to come here and start from scratch......they know some cool stuff....but guess what...

I took their physics classes and didn't have to be an audio engineering major to do it ;)

Go to school people...esp. you youngsters. There is plenty of time for music....I'm not ready for 16 hour studio days just yet ;)
hmmm....i hope the above didn't sound like an ego trip. that wasn't my intention...

by the way geekgrl - i want to hear some of your music!

I'm always impressed by your career oriented/self motivated posts.
mixsit said:
ok, one more.
As a musician, I got to use the back entrance of some of the nicest places in town.

OK, one more..
As a musician, I got to use the back entrance to some of the nicest ass in town. :D

Also, I've majored in just about everything there is to major in at one time or another - keep in mind, the more college you have under your belt, the more marketable you're gonna be. Even if you don't finish the degree. Also, alot of your college buddies are one day gonna graduate, and if you're still screwing around having fun for little money - you're gonna have to deal with the fact that while you're getting older, your peer group is going to be staying 18-22 or so. When you get to be about 30, that's going to suck. I know from experience. :D Good luck with whatever you choose to do, though.

But, next fall I will be transferring to the University of GA, and I'll be on the home stretch for my Journalism degree. After that I am "on track" with my credits to get an MBA from UGA in marketing, on top of that.

Hey Wes, you probably already know that Athens kicks as as far as music is concerned. I lived there for about four years or so, and worked there for even longer. I loved jamming in the local music scene. Everything is centralized downtown, so when you're looking for a show or just to hear a band, you don't have to drive all over hell to get there.

I don't mind driving to Athens to hang out, but I won't go into Atlanta - the traffic and the sprawl pisses me off. Send me an e-mail when you get settled in, maybe we can jam some!
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I don't think you are an idiot but the smart thing to do would be to study recording engineering instead of computer engineering. I think you wouldn't find the classes so tedious since you seem to love that field anyway.

It's good that you are following your dream. I'm in a similar predicament. Started studying Electrical Engineering, played guitar instead of going to classes. Dropped out and wandered about. Hence my name. ;) I'm now 23 and have decided to go back to school...this time for music.

Find your passion and stick with it. Good Luck!
I'd like to thank my fellow holder of a near useless BA in English, Geekgurl, for using Criminy in a sentence.

FWIW, my degree is probably helping my jobsearch in the Greater Sacramento area this week.
Communication skills--both written and oral--are essential in all private profit, non-profit, and government organizations. You just need to know where and how to market them. Your BA in English, depending on how you apply it, can pay consistent, handsome dividends during a long career.
All right already...

Get the degree now, there is more with the process of getting it, then the material coverd in the text books. Then, follow your passions. It is far better to be doing what you love then just making money and being meserable. I am sure of one thing however, without the degree you are very limited. And, your thought process will be stunted (you will always think within the box). Good luck!
Knowing where and how to market your skills. Absolutely right!

If only I weren't so utterly hopeless in such practical matters.