do these recordings sound too DEMO-ish?

I listened to two, Chelsea's Spoon is a great song. It is too demo-ish.

I really like the sound on the vocals, the octaves, the distance from the mic after the break that comes back closer, it's all good. But not the miking of the drums, the playing is good but was it just a room mic on the kit track? That track is too deep in the mix, esp the kick. It (the kick) comes and goes.

The guitars are superb. Nicely done.

All in all Chelsea's is a terrific song and good,not great, recording.
yes, you nailed it, the song was done live with one room mic (Bluebird) on drums, then with overdubs on guitars.

thanks for the input,

any others?!
I agree with the previus comment with the drums, but I don't think it sounds too demo-ish, if this was on a cd I would buy it. but I'm not saying it's perfect, I'm just saying it's ok for a demo.
yeah i definitely think it could be eligable for release. i think the imperfections in the recording add character to the song, and a little charm.

thanks fer the input.
i'm listening to the songs and apart from the fact that they could do with a mastering job and the mixes are not perfect only grover really sounds demo-ish. it also is my favorite song.
i think you guys sound GOOD. spontanious and eager and well, young but only in a positive sense. good songs, nice playing too, not too tight - slacker timing - background vocals like drunks brawling.

nice echos of folk rock, poppy chorus', rocking at the same time.i suppose you could call this american music.

i'm enjoying this. talent.
thanks alot man. appreciate that.

if only some extremely important people thought could hear it and think the same thing...we'd be set.
