Do i really need to master??


New member
1 have just recorded 8 songs over a few days with the same equipment and levels, they are of the same genre and basically same overall feel. there a need to master? and if so wat steps should i take? i'm quite new to this please help!!!:confused:

i have mixed it just shaping the eq but am stuck with wat i should do next. i have read about compressing it but am not sure wat settings to compress with. and if i should compress the whole mix the same. or the individual instruments.

thank you:)
1 have just recorded 8 songs over a few days with the same equipment and levels, they are of the same genre and basically same overall feel. there a need to master? and if so wat steps should i take? i'm quite new to this please help!!!:confused:

i have mixed it just shaping the eq but am stuck with wat i should do next. i have read about compressing it but am not sure wat settings to compress with. and if i should compress the whole mix the same. or the individual instruments.

thank you:)
Did you really need to record those 8 songs to begin with?

If the answer is no, then no you don't need to master them or have them mastered.

If the answer is yes, then the follow up question is "For what purpose?"

If you are making something for a professional purpose such as an actual indie CD release an A&R demo, or something for radio stations, the get it done professionally. (then again , if that were the case, you probably should have recorded and mixed it professionally first.)

If it's just stuff to cram onto a mespace page, or a home lab exercise to teach yourself how to do things, then you can master it yourself, but don't expect your stuff to sound like a commercial CD, and don't expect it to come fast abd easy.

Come up with a track order. Play all of the songs in sequence and see how they transition from one to the next, and see if their overall levels match or sound appropriate.

Burn to CD.
Do the listen test first, if something is off try to fix it, but in all sending it away and paying for a master will be so much easier and better. In the end it'll be worth it.