Do I need this now?!

Freak Scene

New member
I jus got a Lexicon Omega, and it's great, but i have a question about mixing down. I told my friend that the wave file was about 45 mb, so he said I had to go into musicmatch and do some things to it....but i dont have musicmatch! I used to, but I cant seem to find it on the computer. After all this, am I not gonna be able to mixdown and listen?! Also, it says to make mp3's, you only get a trial version of the sofware...will I be able to mixdown to waves forver? I'll be really dissapointed if after all this I need to buy something else just to mixdown and listen on. Please give me some info, anyone.
No you don't need to buy anything else. You will be able to make wave files as long as you like.
Well ... at least until the Omega or your computer dies. :eek: Hopefully that won't be for a very long time.

The thing about rendering mp3's is that the encoder that is offered with the Omega is likely a trial. You can either buy the encoder or encode as a separate process with a free encoder such as dBpower AMP .
I believe the software that comes with the Omega is by Cakewalk...

I wonder if you can use cwenc, which is a freeware MP3 and OGG encoder that simply overwrites the MP3 encoder provided in Cakewalk Pro Audio and Sonar. Worth checking, I think...