Do I need a Pre-Amp??


New member
Currently I use the following
mic>Tascam 424>2496 soundcard

I know the Tascam has pre-amps in it. But probably not very good ones.
Should I go for a DMP3 Pre-amp and run that directly to the soundcard? Or go mic>DMP3>Tascam 424> 2496 soundcard?

I don't know why you would go back to the Tascam if you have another stand alone pre-amp, because that would kinda eliminate the whole point of having nice pre's.

Remember that your signal chain is as weak as it's weakest member.

On another note...I am looking at getting a tascam (12 track, 8 buss - built in the 80's) I don't know the model number but I would like to know what people generally think about tascam pre's (and not necessarily the one I am thinking about in particular).

I am not intending to hi-jack this thread...but I think it might help statecap as well
What are you going to be recording? Vocals, acoustic guitar? I started out just using my console pre's but man...huge improvement when I went with a good quality stand alone preamp.
tascam consoles i have used have a decent colored sound. little muddy at times. i had good luck with guitars, bad luck with bass, good luck with snare... but not much crack... however, as long as you watch the mud, mixes tend to glue pretty well with tascam pres.

i think the dmp3 outboard pre would be a good complement. some clean and clear and some color. mix and match.
Thanks...we'll I hope to be getting the board for REAL cheap so it should be workable ;)