Do I have to buy a new mic for Audio Buddy?!?


New member
I bought mic amplifier but it doesn't amplify my mic enough. Mic is Creative's SD-50, not a very high quality, but it fills my needs. Can u guys help me out? I'm newbie in microfones. Does Audio Buddy need different mic?

Any new mic tips? I'm recording acoustic guitar and vocals via amplifier. V-amp2 deals electric guitars.

Thanks again.
The SD-50 is an electret condenser intended for use with a computer soundcard it needs 1.5-10 volts of power to function.

The Audio Buddy offers 48v (well actually about 40v) on it's XLR inputs while it's 1/4" instrument inputs are unpowered. What this means is that you should probably move the SD-50 along to someone who is using a Soundblaster or other computer card that has the proper voltage and 3.5mm plug for it.

The Audio Buddy is a good micpreamp and will pair up well with any XLR mic, some good but low cost choices would be the Behringer ECM8000 ($35), the Shure SM57($79), and the Marshall 603s ($79)
The Audio Buddy I think from last time I measured is about 41.4v of phantom power.

Two good mic options are the SM57, as JM350 suggests, or the Studio Projects B1, which is also about $79.

For $199, there is the Audio Technica 3035 and, for $230, there is the Studio Projects C1. I recommend both of these mics.

I guess I'm on this kick now with older threads. The nice people here took time to educate you, so take the time to give them feedback. So what did you do about it, and how did it work?-Richie