do I have any idea what I am talking about?


New member
okay, I have a question that I don't think is stupid, but for some reason I
do not understand...

I want to add percussion and drum sounds to recordings I make in my little
home-studio that I have set up through a separate computer workstation - and
I use Layla 24/48 as my a/d converter. I have no drums, triggers, or other
ways of triggering some sort of a midi signal (and I have no midi keyboard).

I want a DRUM MACHINE, right? Like an Alesis SR-16, Alesis DM-5, or one of
the Boss units... right?

A little info here from those of you who know what I am talking about would
Do you want to play pads on the machine or triggers?

If I wanted to get a drum machine for a studio I'd look into something like a Akai MPC1000 sampler. Their more money then a drum machine but you can do so much more if you want to try new things later on plus you can use wav files of actual drums or get the DFH akai package.
um, Drum Machines.... I play the drums so machines arent really my thing. Although, I have used "reDrum" in Reason. Do you just want a backing drum track, or are you looking to have a "real" drum track based song. Whats your budget?
You want the sr-16, not the dm-5. The dm-5 is a brain for an electronic drum set, you can't program it. It just provides sounds for triggers (that you don't seem to have.)