Do DAW mic pres stack up?

Jerry Kahn

New member
Does anyone have a feeling about how the mic pres on a stand alone DAW like the Yamaha AW4416 or the VS1800 or VS2400 or a Korg D1600 might stack up to the standard rack mounted mic pres?

For instance, I own a Vintech pre which I paid about $1500 for about a year ago. I like it. I might not have gotten the Vintech if I could do it all over again, but I still like it. Then I got Lynn Fuston's Mic Pre Shoot Out CD, and the Vintech actually stacked up pretty well on in (that was an experience). I don't remember if he did DAW pres on that CD-- I'll have to dig it out again.

Anyway, I just bought a Korg D1600 , which I am testing out & might return (still have a week). It sounds pretty damn good so far. I am using a TLM103 mic with it. I haven't done A/B comparisons on the pres yet, but I will. I was just curious about what anyone thinks about DAW pres in general.


How does it sound if you use the Vintech before you go into the Korg?

I don't have experience in this area but I'm sure dedicated pre's would have to be better.