DMP3 vs. Xmax pres?


New member
So I just started recording drums recently and right now im using a 4 mic setup (Glyn Johns). Im using an RNP pre amp for my overheads and two Xmax preamps off my Firestudio for the kick and snare. The Xmax pre's are decent but not quite up to par IMO. Im wondering if the DMP3 pre's would be a noticeable upgrade over the Xmax's? I know they arent supposedly on the level of the RNP, but ive read good things about them and right now im just looking for a cheaper fill-gap until I can get another RNP down the road.
This is an interesting question. I've been trying to figure out where the XMAX pres sit in the food chain myself. I own a handful of cheap pres, and one of them happens to be the Digimax FS, with XMAX pres, and also I have a DMP3.

To my ear, the XMAX pres have a narrower sound, with more midrange emphasis than the DMP3. The DMP3 by comparison sounds fuller and bigger.

However, I am finding that many times the tighter image of the XMAX pres sit in the mix better than the DMP3 tracks. The DMP3 tracks by comparison take up too much sonic real estate in the mix. But the DMP3 does sound "better" on solo'd tracks.

I'd love to hear anyone else's take on these two pres myself.
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