DMP3 to Audiophile 2496: Hook-up


New member
Hi!, Thanks to the great help I've gotten from this site, especially my friend Halion, I'm about to put some poems to music, but have now run into some sort of neophytic problem which I could use help with...I don't want to blow either my Pre or my sound card out because of my ignorance, so, here goes:
I have two mics; 1 an MXL 2001 and 2. an MXL 604...I have these hooked up to the XLR (three hole slots) on the back of my DMP3 Pre-amp...I then have two 1/4" TS cables to the two RCA ins on my 2496 audio card...I'm using TS because it's my understanding that the 2496 doesn't accept balanced signals...To begin with, I'm using Audacity to record my music...
The problem is I am getting very little volume out of the 2001 Mic when both channels are hooked up???...I feel I have it set up wrongly, but don't want to blow it when I'm almost there...
Can someone help walk me through the mic to pre to soundcard to software setup so that I can get good volume from both mics, or both channels, etc.
In Essence, I have balanced XLR in, unbalanced TS!/4 out to the RCA ins on 2496...When both Mics are hooked up, the left channel on the pre shows little action, but the volume meter on the sound card shows volume, but when I record, I get little or no voice...The way I've written this post has even confused me...I hope you are adept at translation...My only hope is that it is something basic, and much simpler than what is written here...Thanks for any help you can afford me...Jim
Hi Jim

There is a pad (hi/lo) button on each channel of the DMP-3, check this isn't engaged.

You should be able to set the input (and output) level on the 2496 control panel software (-10db - +4 db?). Check that this isn't set too low.

I used a DMP-3 into an M Audio Delta 1010LT (unbalanced ins) for a few years and found it to be a very good combo for the price.
Thanks Kevin, so I guess this means that my "cheap" (Radio Shack)Tip/sleeve 1/4s to the Audiophile ins should work, eh?